I want to share some thing with you.
I want to share WISDOM.
Anybody that’s on a path of Wisdom, or a path of Truth…you have to go through Proverbs to get there. Proverbs in the Bible is the gateway to Wisdom. It covers everything – economics, marriage, relationships with neighbors. It covers the Creator. Every situation you can find yourself in as a human can be covered in Proverbs.
Our lifestyle is changing before our eyes. Now is the time. Now is the time to study wisdom literature – ancient wisdom literature. Now’s the day.
So get Wisdom, and with all you’re getting get Understanding. Read Proverbs. You can read Proverbs 1 on the first day of the month, and by Proverbs 31 you would have covered a 31 day month. So it’s something that can be very habit forming in a positive way.
And don’t have any fear. No fear. There will be Light and Love and Life.
It’s Wednesday. Have a good night.